PPG Constitution


The name of the group shall be Wells Health Centre Patient Participation Group (known as WHCPPG).


The objectives of the group are to promote the benefit of the patients of the practice without distinction of gender, race, colour or political, religious or other opinions by encouraging development and quality of health promotion and health care services.

This aim will be achieved by liaising with the doctors and staff, other community health workers, health authorities and other persons/organisations concerned with health care.

The group will be affiliated to the National Association for Patient Participation (N.A.P.P).


This shall be open and free to all Patients and Staff of the Practice, irrespective of political party, nationality, religious opinion, race, gender or colour.


  • Communication – Members of the group will act as a communication channel between the practice team and the community in order to help patients use the facilities to the best advantage and for the practice to consider for implementation policies influenced by representative patient views, not personal views.
  • Patient charter – The group may from time to time conduct surveys on behalf of the practice in order to develop and monitor the practice mission and patient services.
  • Health education – The group will participate and help the practice to review the health education needs in the community in order for the practice to provide appropriate and useful community health education material.
  • Community needs – The group will have a role in assisting an assessment of community needs to help the practice improve its services.
  • Primary care trusts – The group will be informed and involved with reviewing the general policies relating to the primary care trust which impact on the practice. Representatives from the group can attend bi-monthly practice based commissioning cluster meetings with PCT representatives. The group will then express opinions on these policies on behalf of the patients.
  • Practice based commissioning group (WHCPPG) – the patient group will consider and review the commissioning plans of this cluster and provide their opinions on behalf of patients.
  • Areas not covered by the PPG are finances, staff employment and disciplinary, management procedures and complaints from patients (which should be directed to the practice via the complaints procedure).

Committee and officers

The committee shall consist of 3 officers – a chairperson, vice chairperson and secretary. These roles of the committee members will be nominated and elected annually. The committee will consist of a maximum of 12 members; any decisions made must have a majority vote.

Roles of the officers

  • Chairperson – To chair the meetings and manage the affairs of the group.
  • Vice Chairperson – To chair the meetings on the chairman’s behalf and manage the affairs of the group when required.
  • Secretary – To take minutes and distribute agenda, minutes and any other information required on behalf of the group.

A practice staff member will always be present at the meetings and the practice manager will liaise with the committee as necessary.

Election and retirement of committee members

Any patient may request to join the committee at the annual general meeting although the maximum of 12 members will be adhered to. If more than 12 patients wish to join then a vote will be taken.

All officers and committee may offer themselves annually for re-election. If more than one Nomination is received for an officer position, then a vote must take place.

Meetings of the group

The group shall endeavour to meet not less than four times in any one year. Meeting dates to be determined as required by the committee.


Minutes shall be kept and forwarded to the committee members. Minutes will be agreed and signed for at the following meeting.


If the committee decides at any time that on any grounds it is necessary to dissolve the group it shall call a special general meeting.

Alterations to the constitution

Any proposal to alter this constitution must be delivered in writing to the secretary not less than 14 days before the date of the meeting at which it is first to be considered and shall be advertised together with the date of the meeting.

An alteration will require the approval of a two thirds majority of committee members or a simple majority of those voting at the annual general meeting.